the time to read them...

Books I have read. More for me than for you, but I guess that depends on who you are. If you stalk me, than this will probably be more useful for you than me.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

3 Reviews, or When It Rains It Pours

First, Skinny Dip, by Carl Hiaasen

I read this as it came recommended. It began a bit too....mystery for me. It reminded me a lot of Janet Evanovich with a lot of wacky slapstick/falling in love in a goofy wacky predicament sort of way. But it has a lot of funny satire, so I stuck with it. I liked it a lot though it got a little slow at the end. It also had a really needless, but heartwarming subplot. I have Basket Case, also by Hiaasen, but much longer waiting in the wings. I read (listened on audiobook) to this book entirely while getting ready in the morning and getting ready for bed, which says to me I could be reading a lot more books in the meantime!

1000 Extra/Ordinary Objects

Phew! This took a looooooong time. But it was great. Each page has one or two objects that are either very average in a foreign culture or really bizarre in ours. It's a very pretty, though hefty book to look at! The religious and food sections were of course my favorite. I did detect a really odd anti-Catholicism POV in this book, and a lot of it was just in completely wrong facts about Catholic practices. It was totally weird.

A Girl and Her Money

I liked this book a lot more than other financial books I have read because it suggested some things those didn't. It was very heavy handed about going to regular medical checkups. It was really personalized and had you write down your goals and take quizzes to determine what is realistic for you to spend your money on. However it did have the usual "stop going to starbucks every day (duh) suggestions. Worse, as with many of these books, it assumes you are in debt, so the majority of it is focused on debt. And a lot of it is really stereotypical, like "Sometimes you just need those Manolo Blahniks! Giggle!"


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